Alcohol and Other Drugs Residential Programme (AOD)

Mauri Ora Experience is an 8-week intensive kaupapa Māori alcohol and drug residential programme. It offers a safe, therapeutic, mana enhancing environment to facilitate recovery processes. Whaiora lives onsite and engages in a structured programme to achieve social, behavioural, and psychological change.
The phases of the programme include pre-entry whanaungatanga, powhiri (welcome), primary treatment and aftercare support. The programme operates from 7:00am to 10:00pm Monday to Sunday, with arranged activities or programme work which takes place during the evenings and weekends.
Week 1
Following tikanga, whaiora and their whānau attend a pōwhiri at He Waka Tapu to welcome them to the programme. The first week of the Mauri Ora Experience is a time for whaiora to settle into their new environment, understand the kawa (rules) and begin their mahi.
Week Two
Whaiora will focus on their life story, to unlock their “why.” The week will include connecting with their whakapapa, with their marae visit involving standing with their tipuna.
Week Three
Whaiora will be comfortable as a core member of the Mauri Ora Experience whānau. However, deeper investigation of substance or alcohol use, addressing the negative impacts it has had on yourself and whānau is emotionally un-settling.
Week Four
Whaiora have reached half-way point through treatment and will begin preparation for their noho marae. They will also have the opportunity to invite their whānau to visit for lunch at He Waka Tapu.
Week Five
Whaiora will experience the true power of wānanga on a marae stay. All elements of te ao Māori are explored. A powerful experience that will push and pull layers of meaning – Te kai o te Rangatira.
Week Six - Seven
This is the time to celebrate the mahi of whaiora through-out the week, concluding with whānau and friends at the Mauri Ora Experience graduation.
Week Eight
This is the time to celebrate the mahi of whaiora through-out the week, concluding with whānau and friends at the Mauri Ora Experience graduation.
Whaiora will continue to engage with He Waka Tapu with 3-months aftercare support post-treatment. This includes regular check-ins with their kaiawhina (case-manager) and access to the Tihei Mauri Ora – Graduates Peer Support Group

Referral Process
Referrers can submit a referral on behalf of a whaiora online and should include an AOD Comprehensive Assessment. Whaiora can also self-refer by visiting He Waka Tapu during business hours to speak with a kaimahi. You may be encouraged to attend community groups until an assessment appointment can be arranged with an AOD Clinician.