Chatham Islands

Wharekauri/Rekohu the Chatham Islands is 800 kms from mainland New Zealand, called home by approximately 600 people.
He Waka Tapu have now been delivering a wide range of programmes and services to help both groups and individuals remotely and in person since 2020.
This service is based around building strengths, capabilities, and necessary wrap-around support that we don’t often have here on the Island. We help create positive change through awhi, tautoko and kōrero in person as well as remote options.
Whānau are supported to fully realise the confidence, mana and the self belief to support better outcomes and make positive changes.
For more information, or to make an appointment please contact Tracy on 021 242 2357 tracy.page@hewakatapu.org.nz
Check out what is happening in Wharekauri on our events calendar.

We have been available to assist and support with one-on-one kōrero, awhi and guidance.
Ma te whakaatu ka mohio
Ma te mohio, ka marama
Ma te marama, ka matau
Ma te matau, ka ora
By discussion comes understanding
By understanding comes the light
By the light comes wisdom
By wisdom comes life everlasting

Only you know when you’re ready to reduce your drug & alcohol use. If you've had enough, then change is possible.
We offer a 1 Day Takahi Te Taniwha & Ko Wai Au program to help you in your AOD Journey.

We set them up with support needed i.e AOD assessments, just be there to support. Supply reports if needed if part of their conditions is to attend AOD counselling.